The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. This book examines representations of monstrous women in horror films through a psychoanalytic framework, with a focus on the complex construction of women as abject, castrated, and castrating figures. In The Monstrous-Feminine, Barbara Creed challenges the mythical patriarchal view that woman terrifies because she is castrated, by arguing that woman primarily terrifies because of a fear that she might castrate. Soft copper tubing is available in a variety of sizes.

But, there is another type of copper tubing that does not require soldering. You know the type that has to be soldered at the joints. Q&A / Copper Tubing Flaring Tool Video text: Tim Carter Most people are familiar with hard copper tubing. Copper Tubing Flare Tool Rating: 8,0/10 1073 votes